What We Do For You

We are simply the real deal.

As a full-service software and design firm, we develop innovative and even transformational applications for our clients – work that delights and occasionally inspires exclamations of "that's like something out of science fiction!" (We're always glad to hear stuff like that.)

What else sets us apart? We care about the intersections of design and usability, engineering and emotion, while striving to achieve just the right amount of "wow factor."

We're passionate about what we do. We listen, learn and deliver. Our creative "nuttiness", collaborative approach and unmatched technical expertise boost your capabilities and drive your success through applications that are meaningful and different. That's something to celebrate!

Our Techs

  • Microsoft

    C++, C#, VB, VB.NET, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, Dropthings Portal, MS Sharepoint, VSTO

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  • Java

    Java, JSP/Servlet, JSF, J2SE/J2EE, RMI, EJB,JPA, Struts, SaStruts, Seasar Struts, AJAX

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